Soul Poetry Oracle Deck
$29.99 + shipping and tax
My intention for sharing this Oracle Deck with you is that you may learn the importance of holding space for yourself. You may acknowledge and stand in your truth surrounding the memories and emotions these messages bring to the surface. Develop the courage to dive deep into your thoughts and beliefs again and again.
These Soul Poems and images carry different meanings at different times. You can use them daily to help you develop your intuition.

I am excited to announce that I’m now offering my Soul Poetry Oracle Deck!
My loving intention for sharing the Soul Poetry Oracle Deck with you now is to encourage you to hold space for yourself. In today’s culture, many of us choose to prioritize holding space for and caring for others, while we habitually neglect to hold space for ourselves.
My Oracle Cards—51 inspiring messages with accompanying beautiful, full-color, original art and a complement of thought-provoking questions—will help you to take the time that you deserve to hold space for yourself. My intention is for you to be able to more easily acknowledge and stand in your own truth every time you use these cards.
The Oracle Deck will help you to bring into clear focus the memories and emotions that the cards bring up for you, and you will be able to assign healing meaning and significance to these memories and emotions as they present themselves in your conscious mind.
As you practice using the Oracle Card Deck, my hope is that you will become increasingly comfortable accessing and nurturing the courage that is present within you to connect authentically with your deepest thoughts and beliefs, again and again.
Each Soul Poem and image within the Oracle Deck will bring forth a uniquely beautiful and personal meaning as it is interpreted by the Divine Wisdom within each individual. You will find that as you develop your practice of using the Soul Poetry Oracle Deck—and correspondingly, as you expand your practice of holding space for yourself—you will experience an increased daily connection with your own Intuition, your Internal Spiritual Guide, your exquisite Divine Teacher.

Artist, Poet, Healer
Renn Byrd
Renn has written this book for one reason—to share her life-enriching practice of Soul Poetry with you so that you too may discover and claim your own truth, find the strength within yourself to step into and claim your own power, and begin your journey to living the life of truth and authenticity that you so richly deserve.